TeX (I've got it, but what is it?)

Kevin O'Gorman kevin at kosman.UUCP
Sat Sep 24 04:30:18 AEST 1988

Hmmmm. I'm not even sure what newsgroup this should go in.

I got the TeX/LaTeX/etc stuff for the unix-pc, as offered some time
ago in this group.  It is neat stuff, has lots of fonts and so on.

However, I find I had the wrong impression of what it was and how
I would be able to use it.  Do I have to write a printer driver to
do dot matrix stuff?  How is this to be sent to hard copy?


There are almost no docs in the distribution, so what I'm really
asking is where should I look for more.

I have here on-site several macintosh-en and unix-pcs, a LaserWriter
Plus, and and ATT471 printer.  These are all capable of some fancy
graphics things, if I can ever get them talking together.


Kevin O'Gorman ( kevin at kosman , csun!srhqla!kosman!kevin ) voice: 805-984-8042
  Vital Computer Systems, 5115 Beachcomber, Oxnard, CA  93035

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