
Arnold D. Robbins arnold at skeeve.UUCP
Mon Sep 26 09:09:36 AEST 1988

In article <189 at arnold.UUCP> dave at arnold.UUCP (Dave Arnold) writes:
>I wonder if some other "Old timers" are still here.
>Kathy Vincent

Still at bakerst, last I knew, although I haven't heard from her in a while.

>What ever happened to Arnold Robins at skeeve?

I'm still here (at least I was the last time I looked...) Real Soon Now
I'll be updating my list of things available via anonymous uucp from skeeve.
I've been really incredibly busy at work lately, so I haven't had any
time to devote to skeeve recently. I am going to try and change that
real soon though.

Thanks for asking...
"Crack-pot societies of all kinds sprang up everwhere, advocating everything
from absolutism to anarchy. Queer cults arose, preaching free love, the
imminent end of the world, and many other departures from the norm of thought."
E.E. "Doc" Smith, Children of the Lens, 1954 | Arnold Robbins, skeeve!arnold

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