/dev/tty is giving me problems

Todd Day todd at ivucsb.UUCP
Wed Sep 21 16:28:32 AEST 1988

Recently, I've been getting problems like this:

$ rn
Can't open /dev/tty

This only happens when I try to run things from a console window.  Terminals
can run programs just fine.  This also occurrs when I run cpio and a couple
other programs.  Anyone have any clues?  I have been playing around with
device drivers...  Can someone send me a ls -l /dev/tty* /dev/w* so I can
compare the major and minor numbers to confirm that I haven't done any
thing disasterous?


   /| Todd Day (805)968-9352 |\                "Death by stereo!"
+-+ | The Audio Club at UCSB | +-+
+-+ |  926 B Camino Del Sur  | +-+              todd at ivucsb.UUCP
   \| Isla Vista, CA   93117 |/     {uunet,sun}!pyramid!comdesign!ivucsb!todd

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