Questions about 3.5" floppy drive in 7300

Geoffrey B Hoese gbh at juniper.uucp
Mon Sep 26 02:59:26 AEST 1988

	I remember having seen references to replacing the floppie
drive in a 7300 with a 3.5" 720K drive.  Checking back through postings
found only a cryptic message whose poster doesn't now remember
the details, only that someone did do it.

	I am trying to do it, without much success - basically
the only way i've tried so far is using iv - and trying to modify
the description tables in /usr/lib/iv. I don't know the format of these
tables - certain parts are obvious, the hardware connection seems
straightforeward, but, alas, something is lacking...

	So, anybody that knows, please let me know.

	thanks in advance. 

Geoffrey Hoese		gbh at juniper.UUCP
2105 Arpdale		{allegra,ctvax,ihnp4,im4u}!ut-sally!ut-emx!juniper!gbh
Austin, TX 78704	(512) 445-4786  (sometimes voice, sometimes data)
Subject: Questions about 3.5" floppy drive in 7300
Summary: Someone did it, why can't I...
Reply-To: gbh at juniper.UUCP (Geoffrey B Hoese)
Distribution: na
Organization: Austin Unix Users Group
Keywords: 3B1 unix-pc 3.5" floppies 720K

	I remember having seen references to replacing the floppie
drive in a 7300 with a 3.5" 720K drive.  Checking back through postings
found only a cryptic message whose poster doesn't now remember
the details, only that someone did do it.

	I am trying to do it, without much success - basically
the only way i've tried so far is using iv - and trying to modify
the description tables in /usr/lib/iv. I don't know the format of these
tables - certain parts are obvious, the hardware connection seems
straightforeward, but, alas, something is lacking...

	So, anybody that knows, please let me know.

	thanks in advance. 

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