Add these to your /etc/magic file on the UNIX PC

Lenny Tropiano lenny at
Mon Sep 19 14:23:30 AEST 1988

These lines can be appended to your /etc/magic file to add additional
description when using the "file" command on "font files and phone
directories".  Each of these have distinct magic numbers, so why not
add them to the /etc/magic file.  I prefer the detailed description over
just "data".

Lines to add:

0	long		0616		AT&T UNIX PC font file
0	short		20863		AT&T UNIX PC phone directory

Paper-net: Lenny Tropiano          | @-net:         lenny at
           ICUS Software Systems   | !-net:      ...sbcs   \
           PO Box 1                |                boulder \
           Islip Terrace, NY 11752 |                talcott  !icus!lenny
Vocal-net: (516) 582-5525 [work]   |                pacbell /
           (516) 968-8576 [home]   |                hombre /
Telex-net: 154232428 ICUS          | Another-net:   attmail!icus!lenny

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