Ahhhh, Trenton is over

J.L.WOOD jlw at lznv.ATT.COM
Wed Apr 26 04:34:21 AEST 1989

Well, my wife, Susan, and I had a good time at the Festival too.

In addition she had signed us up to help out as volunteer workers.
I spent three hours on the bus to/from the remote parking lot and she
did the same in the game room rebooting PCs for the kids.  Then,
LO and behold we got a phone call last night from Kieth Sproul,
our shift leader, who informed us that we had won the workers'
raffle.  The prize --  an Apple Mac SE -- !!!! Neat.  I've
never won anything big before, just a couple of 50-50s.

I would have taken the HP LaserJet II over the Mac, but it
was actually my wife whose ticket was drawn and she got to
choose.  I mean this is carrying coal to Newcastle.  We currently
have in our house an Apple II, a RS COCO, a UNIX-PC, and a 6300-DOS box.
The latter two are connected via StarLan (be the first kid on your

Sorry we had to leave the UNIX user's group meeting early, we were taking
our boy scout troop over to her office to show them some new computer
goodies (Interactive video disks).

BTW there is a Princeton Area UNIX User's Group, PUUG, whose mailing
list coordinator is named Pat and is located at princeton!pep.

Joe Wood
jlw at lznv.ATT.COM

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