Submission for Unix-PC

Scott Hazen Mueller scott at zorch.UU.NET
Wed Apr 19 05:49:40 AEST 1989

>From uucp Mon Apr 17 17:18 PDT 1989
>From techunix.bitnet!melman  Mon Apr 17 17:18:54 1989 remote from uunet
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Date: Mon, 17 Apr 89 11:53:53 +0200
From: David Melman <uunet!CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU!melman%TECHUNIX.BITNET>
Comments:  Domain style address is "melman at"
Message-Id: <8904170953.AA23482 at techunix.bitnet>
To: unix-pc-request%zorch.uucp
Subject: help
Status: R

Hi, I'm posting this for good, but currently desperate, friend of mine
who is not "connected" to anything but his power supply.

The problem:  DISK CRASH!

The system is Unix-PC, Sys V 3.51, with a former 70 meg disk.
It will not boot off the hard disk, but will boot off the floppy.
The injured disk can be mounted, and some files can be read.

The question:

How can the system allow the removal of the boot floppy (and stay up)
so the readable files off the hard disk can be backed up to the floppy

Please E-mail directly to me as I'm not a member of this list.

Thanks so much.

David Melman
melman at techunix.BITNET

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