Product confidence (was Re: FOR SALE: *TWO* UNIX PC VOICE POWER boards)

Dave Ihnat ignatz at
Thu Apr 27 05:18:43 AEST 1989

In article <407 at hsi86.hsi.UUCP> stevens at hsi.UUCP (Richard Stevens) writes:
>Well, we just got a new phone system at work a few weeks ago - an AT&T
>System 25.  Pretty nice system, especially compared to the old Horizon
>system we had earlier.  Guess what came with the system - a 3b1 !!
>2 Mb memory and 67 Mb disk.

Oh, yeah, this woud make *me* feel good.  A brand-new phone system, right out
of the box--and the heart of the system is an orphan product that the vendor
doesn't manufacture any more, with an OS and underlying support software that
doesn't have a development team behind it any more...

(Aw, sheesh, the AT&T Thought Police are here!
 It's the AT&T LAWYERS!!)

	-Dave Ihnat
	 ignatz at    (My own machine, so I can say what I want)

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