3b1 40meg disk woes: Help

Jeffery Small jeff at cjsa.WA.COM
Fri Apr 28 01:33:45 AEST 1989

In article <586 at cbnewsc.ATT.COM>, danl at cbnewsc.ATT.COM (daniel.r.levy) writes:
> When I unpacked the system
> software, I could almost swear that in there was a loose sheet stating that
> rebooting the diagnostic disk to park the heads was not necessary on the 3B1,
> despite the message.  However, looking through my manuals, I can't locate it
> now.  I wonder, was I hallucinating or sump'n?

I have had many discussions with all manner of support people for the unix-pc
and in all cases it was confirmed that the 40Mb and 67Mb drives on the 3B1
will automatically park their heads.  This is clearly audible on the 67Mb drive
which gives a loud THUNK when you power down.  My Hitachi 40Mb drive is quieter
but you can hear it park too if you listen.

The 10 & 20Mb drives on the UNIX-PC versions must be manually parked with the
diagnostic diskette.
Jeffery Small    (206) 485-5596            uw-beaver!uw-nsr!uw-warp
C. Jeffery Small and Associates                                    !cjsa!jeff
19112 152nd Ave NE - Woodinville, WA  98072           uunet!nwnexus

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