SCSI Adapter Hardware Design

Gil Kloepfer Jr. gil at limbic.UUCP
Sun Apr 30 16:04:45 AEST 1989

In article <212 at syteke.UUCP> jim at syteke.UUCP (Jim Sanchez) writes:
>I would second the previous message.  Lets get the second hard disk
>mod fixed FIRST before proceeding to something else.
>Jim Sanchez  {sun,hplabs}!sun!sytek!syteke!jim OR
>Sytek Brussels  mcvax!prlb2!sunbim!syteke!jim

What are you talking about (ie. make specific references in your posting)?
There *are* working second hard disk modifications (and they work well,
believe me).  Don'tcha wish ya had one? ;-)

The theory behind the second hard disk is already old hat.  I would also
like to start seeing more on the SCSI idea (I wish I lived closer to
California so I could help out more ;-) .

| Gil Kloepfer, Jr.
| ICUS Software Systems/Bowne Management Systems (depending on where I am)
| {decuac,boulder,talcott,sbcs}!icus!limbic!gil   or    gil at

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