3.51c about to be released?

Robert J. Granvin rjg at sialis.mn.org
Sat Apr 29 10:47:30 AEST 1989

>In the May '89 issue of _UNIX World_ Jim Pickering writes (in the
>Reader's Comments section) that he understands that 3.51c is about
>to be released.
>Is this true?  How will we know?
>Whatever happened to 3.51b?  I've got 3.51a, and never knew of a 3.51b
>(and I don't want that to happen with 3.51c!).

OK.  There are two terminologies floating around, and while both are
accurate, they're confusing.

3.51a is a kernel version just like 3.51b, 3.51c and what-not.  

Fixdisk 1.0 contained as a part of it, kernel 3.51c.  Fixdisk 2.0 will
be released sometime in the future, and it will contain a new kernel

Fixdisk 1.0 was released eons ago.  The 3.51a kernel was a PART of
Fixdisk 1.0.  It was not a standalone "product" if you will, but part
of the entire package.

What was known as 3.51b has been superceded internally by 3.51c.
3.51c (or whatever the end version may be called :-) will be a part of
the total Fixdisk 2.0 package.

Fixdisk 2.0 is not quite complete, and will need an adequate
verification phase once it is.  No release date is given for 2.0 (I
have a good idea why, and it's a good thing to wait for).  When 2.0 is
released, the most recent kernel (c or whatever) that has been
verified and tested will be a part of it.

As others have noted, you _can_ call the Hotline and request the 3.51c
kernel.  At a time in the past, they would distribute it, but I don't
know what they're currently doing with it (that's assuming they know
what you're talking about :-).

If you have a problem with 3.51a, 3.51c MAY fix it, or it may not.  If
you don't know of any pressing needs currently with 3.51a, hang on and
wait for Fixdisk 2.0.

The actual information (in detail) that you read has factual errors in
it, but there will be a new complete release sometime "soon".

So yes, except perhaps for specific details, it's true.  

How will we know?  The moment that release information is available,
I, another person, or an ATT-type expert will post the details.

________Robert J. Granvin________   INTERNET: rjg at sialis.mn.org
____National Computer Systems____   CONFUSED: rjg%sialis.mn.org at shamash.cdc.com
__National Information Services__       UUCP: ...uunet!rosevax!sialis!rjg

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