Idea on jacking up 3b1's cpu...

Alex Crain alex at
Sat Apr 8 03:50:43 AEST 1989

In article <483 at flatline.UUCP>, erict at flatline.UUCP (J. Eric Townsend) writes:

> 3.  Get the sources for unix :-), and recompile them on/for the SBC.

	This isn'tas amazingly painful as one might think. I was talking to
my local AT&T representitive the other day and he informed me that Educational
Institutions can get 3b1 system sources with some kind of limited licence for
the magic number of $3000.

	Commercial licences are still going for the typical GNP of a third 
world country, but if you happen to be attached to a university, $3K is pretty

Alex Crain
Systems Programmer			alex at
Univ Md Baltimore County!nerwin!alex

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