TCP for the unix-pc

was-John McMillan jcm at mtunb.ATT.COM
Wed Apr 12 02:26:53 AEST 1989

In article <7976 at mtune.ATT.COM> rkh at mtune.UUCP (Robert Halloran) writes:
>In article <8187 at> les at (Leslie Mikesell) writes:
>>				 The main problem with them is that the
>>available software is for URP (AT&T proprietary) protocol while the
>>other AT&T machines are changing to OSI protocols so you can't mix
>>7300's and 6386's on the same net.
>Correction to your comments above: it is true that the other AT&T systems
>are moving to ISO protocols, but they CAN share a wire with URP-based
>systems; they just don't understand one another.
>						Bob Halloran

1)	Bob is right, as usual ;-)

2)	Bob hasn't mentioned that AT&T, INTERNALLY, runs many
	[most?] of its 3B2 and 6386 systems with software that
	supports BOTH URP & ISO.  (He KNOWS this... but is
	smart enough to NOT mention it: I'm NOT ;-)

	The point is: there is inside & outside pressure for AT&T
	to release the dual protocol software as a product -- at
	least I think that's still alive -- and there is as yet
	little isolation of 3B1's WITHIN AT&T.  There is just the
	tedium of knowing which of your clients are URP or ISO

3)	True isolation occurs as StarLAN'ers switch from the 1MB
	hardware to the 10MB hardware: there is no (known-to-me)
	means of running the 1MB hardware on a 10 MB net.

John (oops, I shouldn't a said that) McMillan	-- att!mtunb!jcm

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