gnu 'C' port problem

03 jmd at swbatl.UUCP
Tue Apr 11 22:18:57 AEST 1989

	I have been getting the same error and been unable to nail down
the cause, I am trying to port the GNU 'C' compiler to the 3b1. I am 
running System V3.51. The following happens when trying to compile _eprintf
into gnulib.

		Fatal error in /lib/cpp
		*** Error code 8 

	I know this is the preprocessor on the 3b1, any one out there run
into this type of problem ? Somehow Error code 8 doesn't seem to be alot of

		Any help appreciated.
James M Doherty  - SWBT - Advanced Technology Planning
One Bell Center Room 11-Y-03 St. Louis, Mo. 63101
UUCP: { pyramid, ihnp4, bellcore }...!swbatl!jmd
PHON: 314-235-0804 FAX: 314-235-0727

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