3b1 40meg disk woes: Help

Kim Wallen {Psy} kim at mathcs.emory.edu
Sat Apr 22 02:34:34 AEST 1989

Help.  I have a 2meg 3B1 with a 40meg disk where the disk
no longer spins.  Power to the disk appears to be ok, but it no longer turns.

A bit of background.  This machine has been used for three years as a 24hr/day
file server and was just recently taken off line.  The machine was
running fine until we stopped it and let it sit for 3 weeks.  When
we went back to turn it on the disk was nonfunctional.  We have
taken the cover off the disk to measure power and to try to spin
the platter, but it won't come back to life.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Kim Wallen
Psychology Department
Emory University
Atlanta, GA 30322

(404) 727-4125

INTERNET: kim at unix.cc.emory.edu
UUCP: {gatech decvax}!emory!kim
BITNET:  kim at emoryu1

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