help with COBOL

James Carter jac at penguin.UUCP
Thu Apr 6 23:39:53 AEST 1989

	I have been using COBOL on UNIX since about 1979, and have
had the luxury of the 'STRING' command. Since converting the the unix-pc,
and running the ATT supplied COBOL, I have been forced to go without it.

	I need some help in converting the STRING statement into something
this COBOL will honor. I use it to tie together the first and last names
of customers, the city, state, and zip of addresses, etc. Example follows:

	STRING identifier-1, identifier-2, ... INTO identifier-a,

	I would really appreciate some help on this since old habits keep
me from seeing the light.
Disclaimer: are you kidding? I own the place!
James A. (JC) Carter
Penguin Business Systems, Inc.

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