High pitched squeal/whine/warble

Peter H. Schmidt pschmidt at bbn.com
Wed Apr 12 22:59:04 AEST 1989

I bought my 3B1 (2M/40M 3.51) 3rd hand about 3 months ago.  When I first got
it, it would whine occasionally, with about a 2 minute quiet period in
between whines.  It has now progressed to the point where it is whining/
warbling constantly.  It is hard to localize the source of the sound,
but I'm afraid it's the disk, since I can hear the fan running quietly
in the back.

SO, what I'm asking is a) has anyone had this happen to their box (and
did it precede a major disk failure)? b) does the 3B1 have a history of
bearing lossage in it's hard drives? and c) can any of you hardware gurus
walk me through a simple diagnostic procedure to pin the problem down

The machine hasn't given the slightest trouble since I've owned it.  It has
been up for weeks at a time.  I keep hoping the noise will just go away...
but I backed up the entire disk night before last.


Peter H. Schmidt	   | All sweeping generalizations are invalid.
BBN Advanced Computers Inc.| The one intolerable is intolerance.
10 Fawcett St.		   | Loving thy neighbor usually isn't worth the 
Cambridge, MA 02238	   | 	effort.
(617) 873-4311		   | (I speak only for myself, as always.)

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