Vi bug: saves too often

Michael michael at stb.UUCP
Sat Apr 1 05:01:08 AEST 1989

Does anyone have a way to stop vi from saving a file if you use a shell
escape or if you type :n?

Normally vi will not save a file out unless you say :w. On other systems
if you say :n, you will be told "Has been modified--use :n!"; if you
say :!, you will be told "[modifications not written out]". On the
unix-pc, both of these will write it out even if you didn't want it to.

: --- 
: Michael Gersten!stb!michael
:	michael at <mx mailers>	crash!gryphon!denwa!stb!michael
: "Robitussin" for computers? This has gone too far. Where's "Penicillian"?
: (rob. is Coff-medicine to let COFF people run bsd-dependent GNU stuff).

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