Terminal Emulator Permissions??

Larry Marek larry at asiux1.UUCP
Wed Apr 26 23:00:19 AEST 1989

I ran into a strange problem last nite on my 7300 that I hope someone
can shed some light on....

I started up the terminal emulator to call into work.  Thru the speaker,
I heard it get dial tone, touch-tone the digits, the other side's answer
tone, then at the "normal time" the speaker went off, and I expected to
begin to talk to the other machine just like I have millions of other
times.  Instead a little window popped up with a message (to the effect
of) the group permissions were wrong on the terminal emulator.  I
probably should have written down the exact words, but it was "group
permissions", but no specific file was mentioned.

I'm stumped !??!!  Since I was able to start the terminal emulator,
obviously the program permissions are alright.  Anybody have any ideas
of what files to look at and/or what might be wrong?

	Much thanks!

		Larry Marek

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