What's this "sys" window nonsense?

J. Eric Townsend erict at flatline.UUCP
Sun Apr 16 18:29:57 AEST 1989

(Running 3.0 on a 3b1.)

What's this "sys" window device name, and why is it so screwy?
I'm using windy and the new/improved wmgr, if that makes any difference.
Basically, I spawn a new window/shell, but a ps reveals:

  1111 sys  0:01 ps
  1109 sys  0:00 sh

If I run something like readnews, Pnews, rn, Pcomm, or anything else
from this window the input goes all to hell.  Only about half
the characters make it through to the application, the rest
appear on the command line when I exit out from the application.
If I run a program that creates another window, the characters
still get misplaced back to the command line of the sys window.

Is this something that happens because of windy?  Is there a way
I can munge the code so that it *doesn'*t happen?

 "Enter, oh seeker of knowledge... That's *YOU*, fathead!"
J. Eric Townsend
Inet: cosc5fa at george.uh.edu  511 Parker #2 Houston,Tx,77007
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