Daylight savings time problem

andrew.d.hay mvadh at cbnews.ATT.COM
Wed Apr 5 23:15:08 AEST 1989

In article <16663 at> thad at (Thad P Floryan) writes:
"Note, also, that one should patch, per Lenny's comments, at least /lib/shlib
"and /etc/smgr.  On my systems I was unable to directly alter /etc/smgr since
"it had some file(s) open, so I had to resort to the following:
"        # cd /etc
"        # dstconvert smgr smgr-new
"        shutdown the system (still powered-up), then:
"        reboot from the Floppy Boot Disk (and Floppy Filesystem, being sure
"        to abort (using shift-ESC when asked the question about clobbering
"        the hard disk)), then:
"        # cd /mnt/etc          # which goes to the HD's /etc
"        # rm smgr              # delete the old smgr having pre-1988 DST rules
"        # mv smgr-new smgr     # rename the new smgr having new 1988 DST rules
"        # sync;sync;sync       # assure disk buffers are flushed
"        # cd /                 # return to the floppy filesystem
"        then remove the floppy disk and press the reset button (at the back of
"        the system) to reboot from HD.

you can't rm the smgr, but you can mv it, even when it has open files!

so the above condenses into:

# dstconvert /etc/smgr /etc/smgr-new
# mv /etc/smgr /tmp
# mv /etc/smgr-new /etc/smgr
(repeat for /lib/shlib and other files to be converted)
# shutdown


Andrew Hay		+------------------------------------------------------+
Null Fu-Tze		|		LEARN HOW TO AVOID RIPOFFS!	       |
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