3b1 40meg disk woes: Help

Thad P Floryan thad at cup.portal.com
Sat Apr 29 14:19:17 AEST 1989


If I inadvertently mis-maligned Miniscribe re: my comments about their drives
being the ones in the original IBM PC/AT, I hereby publicly apologize.


But looking at my notes (even with my chicken-scrawled handwriting), I can
clearly read "Miniscribe."

To set the record straight: I've *NEVER* owned an IBM PC (or any clone thereof)
so I've never had the opportunity to open one up and see just what IS in the

But, with my notes at hand, and my personal experience with (all) two of my
Miniscribe 8438 drives going belly-up), I tend to believe what I have written.

Again, the Miniscribe 6085 in my 3B1 has operated (almost) flawlessly for
nearly 2 years now.

But, the *ONLY* drives (in any computer) that have ever "died" on me have
been Seagates' and Miniscribes'.

The earliest Maxtors (both XT-2140 and XT-2190) have been running for years
now, and the other Maxtor XT-3280 and XT-3380 drives just keep on truckin'.
And I'm also running Quantums and Conners now with fantastic results.

And I really like the Maxtor XT-8760 (760 MB UF, 680 MB formatted) drive
that I "played" with last month.

Thad Floryan [thad at cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad]

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