April 1989 Bay Area ATT Users' Group Meeting
Alex Crain
alex at wolf.umbc.edu
Tue Apr 18 03:13:31 AEST 1989
In article <17320 at cup.portal.com>, thad at cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) writes:
> For those of you with UNIXPC machines, I'll be bringing one of my systems
> in, to show various internals, and for making copies of some PD material.
> PLEASE bring already-formatted disks (10 sectors/track preferred) to save time.
> We meet in the "Student Lounge". The "hot" topic is the SCSI project recently
> discussed in the unix-pc.general newsgroup; Mike Thompson will provide updates.
I'd love to come, but its a little far out of my way :-). If some one
could summerize the proceddings of these meetings, I would be interested to
read about them.
Alex Crain
Systems Programmer alex at umbc3.umbc.edu
Univ Md Baltimore County umbc3.umbc.edu!nerwin!alex
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