Looking for the UNIX pc Diagnostic ROMs ...

was-John McMillan jcm at mtunb.ATT.COM
Sat Aug 5 09:17:27 AEST 1989

In article <171 at alps.UUCP> lenny at alps.UUCP (Lenny Tropiano) writes:
>I was wondering if anyone had the UNIX PC Diagnostic ROMs, and if they
>did have them would they copy them for me?  The ROM diagnostics are
>clearly mentioned in the _UNIX pc Reference Manual_.


(Sorry... just coming outta my cave...)

Perhaps I should mention that I told Lenny I'd TRY to get it cleared
to give him a set -- but I'm still waiting to find out about THE
LITTLE LEGAL NICETIES....  I'm sure he meant to ask yawl to check
those before copying the bitsie-witsies.

Now _I_ don't give a bucket of flaming frog bladders about these bloody
ROMs, but SOME pholks might!  (NB: I don't think it's AT&T, either
-- just for the benefit of the Flamettes out there.)

Back into the cave to resume Miss Post's latest tome....

john mcmillan	-- att!mtunb!jcm	-- GROWL it, don't trowel it!

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