Nethack 3.0 on a 3b2

Stephen Underwood heechee at
Tue Aug 1 02:30:22 AEST 1989

I've been trying since the source came out to compile 3.0 on an att
3b2 runing sysv rel 3.1.  I've had to define STUPID, STUPID_CCP, and
-DDUMB, and now I have all the   source compiled and go to link I

ld fatal: fail to write symbol name resists_elec in string table for file

I'm about readdy to though this machine out a window.  (I didn't have
near this much trouble on the Xenix 386 at work, or the sun 3/50)

-Stephen Underwood   -heechee at  -usere3v4 at

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