UNIXPC: meaning of /usr/adm/drv.log

Todd Day todd at ivucsb.sba.ca.us
Tue Aug 1 21:23:19 AEST 1989

Okay, this is what I've got

/etc/.drvload: driver dc73 currently being loaded
allocated: 0x1000 bytes starting at 0x5c000 for device dc73, B:-1 C:10 id:1
/etc/.drvload: driver dc73 loading completed

/etc/.drvload: driver lipc currently being loaded
allocated: 0x7000 bytes starting at 0x360000 for device lipc, B:-1 C:-1 id:2
/etc/.drvload: driver lipc loading completed

/etc/.drvload: driver cmb currently being loaded
allocated: 0x3000 bytes starting at 0x5d000 for device cmb, B:-1 C:-1 id:3
/etc/.drvload: driver cmb loading completed

/etc/.drvload: driver pty currently being loaded
allocated: 0x2000 bytes starting at 0x367000 for device pty, B:-1 C:9 id:4
/etc/.drvload: driver pty loading completed

What I want to know is why lipc and pty are loaded up at the top of
memory.  Not only that, but they are not *quite* at the top of memory.
The top of my memory is 0x380000 (3.5MB).  What is going on here?


Todd Day  |  todd at ivucsb.sba.ca.us  |  ivucsb!todd at anise.acc.com
"It's not the heat, it's the stupidity"  ---  Angry Poodle B-B-Q

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