Status on socket code and more

Bradley Smith bes at holin.ATT.COM
Thu Aug 24 23:08:02 AEST 1989

Here is a current list of what is work (for those that send mail), and
what I hope to get done.  On a different front is anyone actually trying
to get an X server up?  I am interested but don't have source....

	- Setting the timeout value to 0 for a "poll", posted version
		was broken.
	- Read bitmask on window devices (std,stdout)
	- Read bitmask on sockets
	- Read bitmask on pty (master, slave side doesn't seem to work
		yet, but am working on it)
	- Read bitmask on FIFO's (I think pipe(2) will also work but
		haven't tested it yet).
	- Write bitmask on sockets

Things I need to get done are:

	- Read/Write on /dev/ph?
	- Read/Write on /dev/tty000 (don't have an expansion port so I don't
		know if I can get that to work)
	- Test reads on pipes
	- Write on ptys
	- Write on window devices
	- Write on FIFO's
Bradley Smith
Computer Systems Offer Integration Laboratory
AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel, NJ 
201-949-0090 att!holin!bes or bes at holin.ATT.COM

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