timing a hard drive in unixpc

Mark Horn horn at rt3.cs.wisc.edu
Sat Dec 9 03:22:02 AEST 1989

In article <618 at uncle.UUCP> jbm at uncle.UUCP (John B. Milton) writes:
>Sure, but it's crude
>1. Shutdown UNIX.
>2. Boot the floppy diag disk.
>3. Press [Return]
>4. At the "> " prompt enter "s4test"
>5. At the "expert> " prompt enter "6,0" to re-cal the disk
>6. At the "expert> " prompt enter "6,5" to do 1000 random seeks.
>7. Time out step 6, repeat 5 and 6 a few times
>I've never done this, and I don't have good documentation on the drives
>I've got to compare measured values aginst claims.
>Ok, everybody **WHO KNOWS WHAT KIND OF DRIVE THEY HAVE** do the above

I just did this.  I have a seagate 251-1 drive that claims to have 28ms
seeks.  Well I did the test 4 times: test1	40ms
				     test[2-4]	38ms
Now, seagate offers a drive called the 251-0.  This drive claims to have 
40ms seeks.  I paid for a 251-1.  Did I get ripped off?  Anyone who knows
better than I, please let me know, because I paid the extra $$ to get the
faster seeks, I damn well better get it!!!!!

I bought this drive through an ad in Computer Shopper.  Everything they sent
me says that the drive is a seagate 251-1.  The question is given that I'm 
getting 40ms seeks, did the company I bought this from rip me off, by telling
me that they would send a 251-1 and actually sent me a 251-0?  Or is there some
other facter that is causing this slower seek time, and would it cause it in
any other drive?  The reason I ask, is if I decided I wanted to buy a drive that
advertised Nms seeks, would I have to skew that slightly for my machine?

Oh, I have a WD2010 controller chip.  I used iv & the fast.o device driver 
(posted some time ago) to set the steprate to 14 . . . Just in case this 

- sparkie
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