Problems with compressed files from ftp sites

The Evil Mel Fujitsu erict at flatline.UUCP
Tue Feb 7 01:15:14 AEST 1989

In article <456 at limbic.UUCP>, gil at limbic.UUCP (Gil Kloepfer Jr.) writes:
> In article <707 at flatline.UUCP> erict at flatline.UUCP (j eric townsend) writes:
> >I was trying to get tar sources from an ftp site.  They were compressed,
> >no problem.  I ftp'd 'em to a local site (uhnix1), then downloaded them
> >to my 3b1 via kermit.
> [...]
> >then there was nothing but garbage characters.  There were no errors of
> >any sort during either of the file xfers, or the decompression..

> I've seen this problem transfering files from a system running VAX/VMS
> and transfering the files *TO* my UNIX-pc.  I don't know whether it was
> the kermit programs I used, or whether it was the typical record-oriented
> file structure that VMS uses.  In any case, my problem was the same as your's.
> Be sure that your kermit programs do true binary-mode transfer at both
> ends, and that one of the hosts isn't a VMS system ;-)

Grr.  This is not an answer I want to hear.

Ok, how about this:

Is there anyway that I can email the files from a vax to my 3b1?   (I
have a one-hop mail link with the machine, so it's pretty damn fast.)

How about other file xfer protocols?  Would x/ymodem work instead?

We're almost into 1990.  We put a human on the moon.  Why can't I file
xfer from a vax to a 3b1?

"I think it would be fun to run a newspaper." -- C.F.K.
J. Eric Townsend 511 Parker #2, Houston, Tx, 77007
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