Help on a CTIX machine

Michael Steele mikes at
Fri Feb 24 07:12:35 AEST 1989

I would like to thank everyone who has responded to my questions regarding
our Convergent Mini-frame Plus.  Hopefully I will clarify some of the
questions concerning our version of least what I've read in the
CTIX documentation.

>>        Below are several questions I have regarding the system, any help
>>  you can provide will be GREATLY appreciated (either by posting to the net
>>  or via email).  We have a mini-frame plus with v3.10net of SYS V.
>						  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>	Since I haven't the faintest idea of what "v3.10net" is,
>	I can't address it directly.  The UNIX-pc is derived from
>	CTIX: the UNIX-pc was NOT BASED on SVR3 -- although much
>	of the SVID [System V Interface Definition] is common.

    3.10 net is suppose to be a special version of Sys V developed by the CT
    folks to add TCP/IP support.  I don't know what compatabilities it has
    with the AT&T versions of sys V.  I have heard that the Mini-frame is
    suppose to be binary compatable with the 3B1 and Mega-frame machines.  I
    haven't had the opportunity to try this out though. Also the docs said
    that this version of Sys V has BSD inhancements including Sockets for
    TCP-IP support.

>>						  	Is it true 
>>  that AT&T distributes UNIX free to universities...I assume this
>>  information is VERY old, or do they still do it.  If so, how would one go
>>  about upgrading their software and can we get kernal source?
>	'Think there was always a nominal fee: in the early days
>	it was little more than a tape-charge.
>	Try phoning:	(800) 828-UNIX	-- and post your results.

   I tried calling the 1-800 number but I can't place the call from NC.
   It's my understanding that AT&T's software distribution is in Greensboro,
   NC.  It may be they don't allow 1-800 calls from NC.  Does anyone know
   their 1-919 number or another 800 number for in NC calls?

>>  4) I've seen several postings about gcc running on AT&T machines.
>	Try loading a STRIPped 'gcc' from someone's UNIX-pc.  If it
>	can run, can't you bootstrap to a full, long-names ["flexnames"]
>	development environment?  (The UNIX-pc moved to "flexnames"
>	around release 3.0 [or was that 3.5?].)

   So can I assume that the version of gcc on cheops doesn't have shortened
   variable names?  If I can get a decent version of a C compiler working,
   life will be much easier.

   Also what is this STORE that everyone is talking about?  Are they

					Thanks for all your help.
					Michael Steele
						mikes at
						netoprms at ncsuvm.bitnet

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