nroff: cannot create temp file.

Darryl Baker dpb at tellab5.tellabs.CHI.IL.US
Tue Jan 10 23:42:44 AEST 1989

Make sure /usr/tmp is still there and mode 777, I have had a problem
with it disappearing under 3.5. The culprit was /etc/.cleanup which
would remove it if it hadn't been touched in 2 days which happens alot
   __                      _      __
  /  )                    //     /  )       /
 /  / __.  __  __  __  , //     /--<  __.  /_  _  __    Darryl Baker
/__/_(_/|_/ (_/ (_/ (_/_</_    /___/_(_/|_/ <_</_/ (_   dpb at
                     /					dpb at

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