power supply

Roger Florkowski roger at banzai.UUCP
Wed Jan 4 01:48:29 AEST 1989

In article <419 at limbic.UUCP> gil at limbic.UUCP (Gil Kloepfer Jr.) writes:
>In article <7334 at chinet.chi.il.us> les at chinet.chi.il.us (Leslie Mikesell) writes:
>>My 3B1 power supply is dead.  [omitted]
>>[looking for...] enough information to repair it?
>I know someone else in the same situation I'm afraid...and he still doesn't
>have a power supply.
>I doubt you can repair 'em.  

I know this has been posted to the net before, but here it is again for
those that weren't looking.  AT&T has a repair center in California.
The prices are good.  The work is good. The turn around time is fair.
We have sent many motherboards and power supplies there to be fixed.
(Average turn around time from the time you send the part out until it is
back in your hands is about 3-4 weeks.  Shortest repair time we've
had is just over 1 week.  Send the package Federal Express to Ben).

Send repair to:

AT&T Customer Service
2200 Williams Street
San Leandro, CA 94577
attn: Ben Wollberg
(415) 678-1353		Ben's number
(415) 678-1300		Customer service desk

3b1/7300 mother boards
	$191.65 		w/warranty
	$141.65 		plain repair
3b1/7300 power supplies
	$64.11			w/warranty (90 day)
3b1/7300 keyboards
	$55.37			w/warranty (90 day)

7300 (1/2 meg) -> 3b1 mother boards
	$628.00		trade in upgrade to 2 meg
	$385.00		trade in upgrade to 1 meg (4 rows empty, no sockets)
	+$120.00	add SOCKETS (and test) to 1 meg (upgrade) board.	
	est		upgrade your board to 3b1 board (sockets, memory, etc)

send check made out to AT&T Customer Service

Roger Florkowski				uunet!uvm-gen!banzai!roger
The People's Computer Company			`Revolutionary Programming'

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