UNIX-PC's (Plural)
Jon H. LaBadie
jon at jonlab.UUCP
Fri Jan 27 16:01:35 AEST 1989
Posted for two friends who are not on the net.
If interested, contact me and I'll pass along your message.
My friends have a business they were planning to computerize.
What better system to use than UNIX. And what better systems
than 3B1's on fire sale.
So they bought 5. Yup, 5.
They were taken out of the boxes.
Powered up (they worked).
Powered down.
Moved to a closet.
And there they sit to this day!
OK, here is the list of what they have. You probably know what the
3B1/7300 (or UNIX-PC) line of computers are, so I won't bore you.
Quan. Description of Item(s) Cur. Adv. Price
----- ---------------------------------- -----------------
2 3B1 / 2 Mbyte RAM / 67 Mbyte Disk $ 1,995
2 3B1 / 2 Mbyte RAM / 40 Mbyte Disk $ 1,495
1 7300 / 1 Mbyte RAM / 20 Mbyte Disk $ ??? ~ 800
2 DOS-73 Co-processor board $ ??? ~ 700
2 UNIX-PC Word Processor Software $ ??? ~ 200
1 Super Comp 20, Version 2.0 $ 165
1 dBASE III $ ??? ~ ???
(I didn't know this existed for 3B1s)
Notice anything missing? Like mention of Operating System software.
Or Development System software. Just what AT&T loaded on the disks.
I think this is 3.0 (not SVR3.0, UNIX-PC 3.0) core UNIX system.
Make an offer. Ideally for everything, but all bids will be considered.
Jon LaBadie
{att, bcr, princeton}!jonlab!jon
{att, attmail, bcr}!auxnj!jon
Jon LaBadie
{att, ulysses, princeton, bcr}!jonlab!jon
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