Keyboard Cables?

Roger Florkowski roger at banzai.UUCP
Sat Jan 28 12:16:32 AEST 1989

In article <7454 at ihlpf.ATT.COM> gmark at ihlpf.ATT.COM (Stewart) writes:
>And, finally, does anyone have any information regarding the
>algorithm used by the 3B1 to backup?  I assume a complete
>backup saves the entire hard disk which, considering that
>so much of it is from the foundation disks and other UNIX
>stuff already on the owner's floppies, is quite a waste!
>[deleted]... Has anyone
>tried to change the "last-partial-backup" date to cause only any
>files changed AFTER the initial software installation to
>be saved for backing up?

A "complete" backup only backs up those files that are newer
than /etc/.installdate,  therefor, it does NOT backup the foundation
set.   The first "complete" backup then sets /etc/.lastbackup,
which "partial backup" works off of.  It 'knows' that a Complete
backup hasn't been done if /etc/.lastbackup is missing.
This works the same for both Tape backups and floppy backups.

for those hackers, look in:

/usr/bin/	[for floppy backups]
/usr/bin/	[for Tape backups]

Roger Florkowski	       		{uunet!uvm-gen, attmail}!banzai!roger
The People's Computer Company			  `Revolutionary Programming'

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