MGR on the 3b1

Pete Holsberg pjh at mccc.UUCP
Mon Jan 30 03:14:00 AEST 1989

In article <1615 at umbc3.UMBC.EDU> alex at (Alex S. Crain) writes:
=	The X server could be ported to the 3b1 pretty easily. the mfb code
=is straight forward, and with the lowlevel access available, it could even
=run fast. I expand:

 [ stuff about x-specific coding ]

=	So if its so easy, why arn't I coding away? well, there's a few issues
=	-1) Do this and kiss off everything that uses the existing wmgr. I 
=personally wouldn't miss it, but alot of people use that stuff (like the UA,
=texview, picture, 3b1tools, even the fancy font for nethack).

I'm not too worried about losing the UA stuff.  I'd happily kiss-off all the
GSS-based graphics stuff to get a REAL windowing environment for this beast.
A point though - most of the UA routines are shell-script based, and could
probably be moved into an X-windows-based routine without too much hassle.

=	-2) There is now way that this is not a huge project. the X11R3 
=distribution and contrib files is right around 100 Mb of source. The X server
=is a 400Kb+ process that runs all the time. I have no idea how much of it
=could be stripped out or could stay swapped out, but its still alot of

Well, you wanted to upgrade anyway, right?  Most people doing serious
things with their 3b1's are STARTING at 1 meg, with plans to go higher
anyway (is anyone making a nice simple Mem card for this machine?  I 
DONT want to piggy back stuff)

=	-3) X11 is slow on a VAX, it's got to be pretty slow on a 3b1.

We're used to it.

=	-4) 740x320 is pretty small for a windowed environment.

Ever run Microsoft Windows in CGA mode?  Frightening, but functional.

=On the plus side:
=	2) there's alot of stuff available for X, like Tex and troff 
=previewers, drawing programs, icons, windows with adjustable borders, 
=window managers, etc.

Bingo.  There's a serious lack of GOOD software for this machine (polished,
I mean).  With all the talk of 'x' floating around, we're goign to be up 
to our eyeballs in X software, with no way to run it.

=	I figure that stripped sources would run about 10-20 megabytes, so
=the multiple drive cards make this somewhat more attractive. Anybody care to
=comment on the idea?

I'm not an officianado of 3b1 programmers, I don't even profess to be a good
C programmer.  BUT, an X windows handler for the 3b1 would make my year.  
I'm always trying to talk myself into spending money on this machine, saying
its outdated and not keeping up.  With an X windows driver, I could sleep
easier at night.

market, e-mail me and I'll see if I can squeeze it in. 

| Dave Shevett   ~----------------------~    Labyrinth II BBS    |
| W. Trenton, NJ | Have you made your   | ...!mccc!labii!shevett |
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|   1200/2400    ~----------------------~ 3b1ish and proud of it |

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