Arc v5.s1 sources

Bruce Becker bdb at becker.UUCP
Tue Jan 10 04:09:52 AEST 1989

The 6-part sources to the 3B1 version of Arc v5.21 seems to have been
truncated on its way here - parts 4, 5, & 6 never made it this far.

This would be a very handy utility for this site - Could the missing
pieces get reposted, or could some kind person be willing to mail them
to me?

Many Thanks,
   _  _/\	Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ont.
   \`o O|	Internet: bdb at becker.UUCP, bruce at
    \(")/	BitNet:   BECKER at HUMBER.BITNET
---mm-U-mm---	"PMS == Post Modernist Syndrome, doesn't it?" - Lucy Van Pelt

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