David H. Brierley dave at galaxia.Newport.RI.US
Thu Jan 26 12:57:55 AEST 1989

In article <570 at itivax.iti.org> scs at itivax.iti.org (Steve C. Simmons) writes:
>3 months?  It's probably too late to put together a BOF in San Diego,
>but we could at least do a pseudo-BOF in my room.  Anybody within
>driving distance willing to bring a 3b1, and we'll do S/W exchange?

This sounds like a great idea!  How many unix-pc'ers will be at the USENIX
conference?  If somebody could bring in a machine so that we could dup some
disks I can bring some stuff that I've been meaning to send to the net but
have hesitated because it is big.  Among other things I have finally finished
the port of sendmail version 5.58 and I have at least one other (unnamed)
package that I know *many* people would love to have.  At the very least we
could meet and discover that the names we see go by in the news really do
have faces associated with them.  It should be possible to get a room for
a BOF, I will try to contact the USENIX folks to see about arranging it.

See you in sunny California!
David H. Brierley
Home: dave at galaxia.Newport.RI.US   {rayssd,xanth,lazlo,jclyde}!galaxia!dave
Work: dhb at rayssd.ray.com           {sun,decuac,gatech,necntc,ukma}!rayssd!dhb

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