troff and HP laser printers

Jon H. LaBadie jon at jonlab.UUCP
Wed Jan 11 23:04:37 AEST 1989

In article <509 at ssbn.WLK.COM>, bill at ssbn.WLK.COM (Bill Kennedy) writes:
> Ouch!  You're quite right.  I'm not aware of a DWB for the UNIX-PC, perhaps
> someone will post a source to buy it.  It might be available (all guesses) in
> THE STORE or maybe from the AT&T Toolchest.

I have had a couple of mail communications with a Ken Greer of Elan.
I am considering their product for our office.  One question was
pertainent to this discussion.  Contact Ken for further info.

	Ken Greer

/* I asked (among many other things) */
	|  BTW do you have any support for the late-lamented unix-pc?

/* Ken Replied (in part) */

We support the UNIX-PC (we have two).  And we'll continue to support
it as long as we sell Eroff on 'em. 
Jon LaBadie
{att, ulysses, princeton, bcr}!jonlab!jon

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