Problem removing a file

Norman Joseph norm at oglvee.UUCP
Tue Jan 31 01:45:35 AEST 1989

>From article <695 at flatline.UUCP>, by erict at flatline.UUCP (The Evil Mel Fujitsu):
> Ok, I've really done it now.  I've created, in my home directory,
> a file by the name of:
> -ef
> None of the following rm options work: *f, *ef, -*f, -i *
> Any hints/suggestions?

Two hints:

	1)	ls -i
	2)	find . -inum <n> -exec rm -i {} \;

(Caveat:  I don't own or use a unix-pc, so I'm only guessing that these
commands with these options are available to you)
Norm Joseph - Oglevee Computer System, Inc.
UUCP: ...!{pitt,cgh}!amanue!oglvee!norm
"Mate, that parrot wouldn't *VROOM* if you put four million volts through it!"

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