Printers on a 3B1

Darryl Baker dpb at tellab5.tellabs.CHI.IL.US
Wed Jan 11 00:09:44 AEST 1989

I have an Epson MX80 attached with just a male-male centronix ribbon cable,
and it works no-problem. The things you might want to check are "lpstat -t",
is the printer enabled if not just do "enable Epson", is "lpsched" running
if not su to lp and do "/usr/lib/lpsched".
   __                      _      __
  /  )                    //     /  )       /
 /  / __.  __  __  __  , //     /--<  __.  /_  _  __    Darryl Baker
/__/_(_/|_/ (_/ (_/ (_/_</_    /___/_(_/|_/ <_</_/ (_   dpb at
                     /					dpb at

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