Karl Swartz kls at ditka.UUCP
Fri Jan 27 05:43:09 AEST 1989

In article <540 at galaxia.Newport.RI.US> dave at galaxia.Newport.RI.US (David H. Brierley) writes:
>In article <570 at itivax.iti.org> scs at itivax.iti.org (Steve C. Simmons) writes:
>>3 months?  It's probably too late to put together a BOF in San Diego,
>>but we could at least do a pseudo-BOF in my room.

Count me in.

>Among other things I have finally finished the port of sendmail version 5.58

Interesting.  I recently received a copy of 5.58 that somebody had hacked
up to work on System V.  Other than tweaking a few defines and changing
an occasional include file, it came up fine, though so far I haven't had
time to run it in anything other than -bt mode.  What's the genesis of
your version?

 -- Karl
Karl Swartz		|UUCP	{ames!hc!rt1,decuac!netsys}!ditka!kls
1-505/667-7777 (work)	|ARPA	rt1!ditka!kls at hc.dspo.gov
1-505/672-3113 (home)	|BIX	kswartz
"I never let my schooling get in the way of my education."  (Twain)

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