Unix PC uugetty

Karl Swartz kls at ditka.UUCP
Tue Jan 3 18:43:44 AEST 1989

In article <453 at uncle.UUCP> jbm at uncle.UUCP (John B. Milton) writes:
>>When HDB places a ACU call, why the *&^^% doesn't it open the port
>>with O_NDELAY?  I have to tell my modem to keep carrier high, which
>>is certainly not correct, and screws up detection of remote hangups.
>Here are the lines from my Dialers file for the Telebit I'm using ...

I tried what you had but ran into a couple of problems.  First, when
trying to talk to the modem directly, I got what looked like a getty
war.  Sure enough, disabling getty before invoking cu fixed it; a bit
of head scratching and I guessed you're probably running your TB with
ATE0 as default.  That worked, but I don't understand why it's needed
for S53=4 but not for S53=0.

Unfortunately, even with ATE0, I ran into a babbling getty, this time
when uucico called a remote system and the remote sent out its login
prompt.  Couldn't figure out how to get around this one.

Also, where are all these hidden sub-fields documented?  I know of a
few of them, with the ",M" in Devices and "\M" and "\m" in Dialers
being the latest additions, but it's all come from word-of-mouth (or
is it word-of-fingers in this case?).

Karl Swartz		|UUCP	{ames!hc!rt1,decuac!netsys}!ditka!kls
1-505/667-7777 (work)	|ARPA	rt1!ditka!kls at hc.dspo.gov
1-505/672-3113 (home)	|BIX	kswartz
"I never let my schooling get in the way of my education."  (Twain)

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