wavy display on a 3B1.

Tom Luteran toml at rob.UUCP
Sat Jan 21 23:45:36 AEST 1989

In article <428 at limbic.UUCP>, gil at limbic.UUCP (Gil Kloepfer Jr.) writes:
> In article <169 at cjsa.WA.COM> jeff at cjsa.WA.COM (Jeffery Small) writes:
> >I have three 3B1 machines which were recently relocated to a new site. On two
> >of these machines, I am now experiencing "screen wave" - a distortion in the
> >display which looks like a wave running across the screen.  The frequency
> >which I observe this condition has been increasing and now I experience this
> >every few minutes typically.
> This can happen if the back of the two displays are too close to one
> another, or if another monitor or electromagnetic-based device is close
> to the display. ...

There's a Macintosh in our training room that exhibits the same distortion.
We found out that this was from the fluorescent lights in the room, one
of which was located directly above the Mac.  We haven't come up with a
solution yet, although I doubt we'll replace the lights with incandescants!

     Tom Luteran

     Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Labs                (201) 594-7288
     P.O.Box 2000
     Rahway, NJ 07065-0900

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