UNIX(r) PC clock

The QRPer k2ph at dxis.ATT.COM
Wed Jan 4 09:23:58 AEST 1989

Within the last couple of weeks, my UNIX(r) PC clock has taken to
gaining nearly two minutes PER DAY.  Anybody know what could be causing
this?  Is this a symptom of a battery about to die?  If so, could
someone either mail me or repost the info about getting a replacement
and installing it?  Thanks.

Bob Schreibmaier K2PH | UUCP: att!dxis!k2ph or k2ph at dxis.att.com
(a.k.a. "The QRPer")  | ARPA: k2ph%dxis at att.arpa
Middletown, N.J.      | ICBM: 40o21'N, 74o8'W

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