An improved 3b1 TeX previewer

Roger Florkowski roger at banzai.UUCP
Sat Jan 28 11:57:50 AEST 1989

In article <6155 at boulder.Colorado.EDU> benten at (Muhammad S. Benten) writes:
>Hi netlanders,
>           I have received over 20 requests for the improved 3b1
>TeX previewer so far. Many of these requests are for the complete
>sources for this program. Let me tell you about the situation and
>please mail me any suggestions on distributing this program.
>The original TeXview package is a huge set of files that implements

Tell us how uucp sites can get this package.  I'm assuming that it
can be distributed, of course.

Roger Florkowski	       		{uunet!uvm-gen, attmail}!banzai!roger
The People's Computer Company			  `Revolutionary Programming'

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