ka9q TCP/IP 871225.30 on lazlo

Chris Lewis clewis at ecicrl.UUCP
Fri Jan 6 02:02:58 AEST 1989

In article <102 at lazlo.UUCP> ccs at lazlo.UUCP (Clifford C. Skolnick) writes:
>>I have put it on lazlo for anonymous UUCP in ~uucp/ka9q.30.Z which is
>>about 260K long...

Thanks, I picked up a copy too - now we'll see if it runs on 386/ix as
well as 3b1's.

However, is there any documentation on this thing or pointers to some?  
I've managed to successfully "attach" an asy, but that's it - haven't 
been able to figure out how to do anything else with it.

[Incidentally, for those of you having fun with it and are trying to use
the embedded version of malloc and friends, watch out!  the HEADER
struct is *8* bytes long on most machines, not 4 bytes, and the following 
changes should be made to alloc.c for those machines:

	the roundup in malloc should be 
		((nb + 7) >> 3) + 1
		((nb + 3) >> 2) + 1

Similarly, all of the shift left 2's and shift right 2's should be 3's...

Alternatively (this is a far superior *portable* solution), use:

		((nb + sizeof(HEADER) - 1) % sizeof(HEADER)) + 1

If you did this, it wouldn't matter how big HEADER was.  - Incidentally,
this was after I converted to UNIX the other PC-version that was offered 
Chris Lewis, Markham, Ontario, Canada
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