(part of a) Unix-PC for sale *super cheap*
Alex Crain
alex at umbc3.umbc.edu
Sat Jun 3 09:52:25 AEST 1989
I'm trying to get mail to everyone who responded to may last posting
about a unix-pc for sale, but in case I miss anyone, the unit has been sold.
ThanXs everyone, for responding.
I have one more unit that might interest someone.
The configuration is:
.5Mb on motherboard
floppy disk
power supply.
Its missing the hard drive and the mouse. On power up the floppy lite
lights and the system puts little blocks on the screen until you turn it off.
The floppy spins but the heads don't move. Otherwise, the machine is in good
condition, and clean.
$150, U ship.
I will be at usenix and can bring it along if someone wants to
take it home.
################################# :alex.
#Disclamer: Anyone who agrees # University of Maryland Baltimore County
#with me deserves what they get.# alex at umbc3.umbc.edu
################################# alex%nerwin at umbc3.umbc.edu
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