AT&T UNIX PC Expansion Unit

Lenny Tropiano lenny at alps.UUCP
Tue Jun 27 03:16:29 AEST 1989

In article <12821 at> wieland at 
(Jeffrey J Wieland) writes:
>We are trying to install one of these on a 3b1, but we are having
>problems getting some of the cards to work.  We have the following
>    In the Expansion Unit:
>Slot 5: Tape Controller
>Slot 6: EIA/RAM Combo Board
>Slot 7: EIA/RAM Combo Board (right hand slot, looking at back of unit)
>None of the EIA/RAM cards have memory installed.  The serial ports in
>the EIA/RAM cards in the Expansion Unit are not recognized by the
We had this same problem arise.  I'm very unsure why this happens, even
with the memory removed from the cards.  I replaced both of those cards
with others we had in the office with no places for RAM (ie. no sockets
at all).  The Dual EIA cards then were recognized by the expansion

>Is it possible to get these cards to work in the expansion unit?  
>By the way, the tape drive controller card works fine.
The fact that your tape controller is working is good.  That means the
signals are getting to the expansion unit fine.  I don't know what
the official word from AT&T is, and why they wouldn't work in the
expansion unit.


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