Help with 2nd drive upgrade on 3B1.

Steve Wampler sbw at naucse.UUCP
Wed Jun 7 04:37:33 AEST 1989

I'm posting this to the net because I've already used Lenny and Gil
far more than I paid them...

I'm trying to get a 2nd hard drive running with ICUS' expansion card,
and am having some trouble.  Not being a hardware type, I'm hoping some
one can point me in the right direction.

	New drive is a CDC Swift (94355-100) 100mb, 17ms 3.5" drive.
		1072 cylinders, 9 tracks, 17 sectors/track, correct?

	The expansion board appears to be working, in that the
		revision level is recognized at P5.1, and using
		the CDC drive *in place* of the internal drive
		(I mean *in place*, same cables as original, powered
		from 3b1, etc.) works fine (which implies to me that
		the extra bit for tracks is working, and the WD2010
		is running as well).

	However, every attempt to add the CDC drive as the second drive
		has failed.  Using the expanded diagnostics disks, I
		can start the format process (expert command 2,2).  
		The light on the drive lights up, so I'm reaching it.
		However, at the end of formatting, the process dies when
		trying to write the VHB, with the message "response 10".
		Other commands (such as 2,1) die with the same

	Here are some of the things I've tried:

		Shortening all cables to less than that suggested by
		ICUS: No change.

		Replacing all chips on the expansion board: No change.

		Removing the internal drive and leaving the CDC at the
		end of the 34 pin cable (nothing connected in the middle)
		and running the 20 pin cable directly to the motherboard
		instead of to the expansion board:  No change, except the
		failure to write the VHB became a "response 4".

	This last one confuses me, just how is this different than the
		case that worked above?  Just the cables, so nearly as
		I can tell.  Correct?

	Given the above, my plan is to rebuild all the cables and see
		if that fixes it.  However, I'm 150 miles from the
		nearest store that carries the connectors, so that's
		going to take a day or so to try out.  In the meantime
		I'd like to check out all other possibilities, to
		ensure that it's not something else.  Er,... what
		are the other possibilities?  Keep in mind I don't
		understand hardware.

		I doubt it makes any difference, but I put a COMBO
		board in slot 3.  Would it make any difference if it
		were in some other slot?

Thanks for any help!!!

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