nroff and mm questions

Peter Fales psfales at cbnewsc.ATT.COM
Sat Jun 3 08:03:06 AEST 1989

In article <38 at docwrk.UUCP>, srh at docwrk.UUCP (Steven R. Houser) writes:
> I have a couple of questions about nroff and the mm package:
> 1) Is there any way to keep nroff from printing an extra blank page at the
>    end of the file?  

I have used various flavors of nroff on various machines, and have never
seen this happen.  Are you sure that there is not something funny in
your local configuration or mm macro file.

> 2) Recently, for some reason, mm has been printing a blank page after EVERY
>    page of text.  I don't know what I did to make this happen; it didn't
>    do this before.  This happens regardless of how I set the .pl (page length).
>    This is on a HPDeskJet.  Has anyone else run into this problem?

This is just a guess, but the HP DeskJet has two output modes: text scale
which gives you 66 lines/page, and unscaled which gives you 6 lines/inch, 
but slightly fewer than 66 lines (63?) due to top and bottom margins.  If
your printer suddenly started using unscaled output (set by a dip switch
or escape sequence) and nroff were sending 66 lines (a few of which fall
onto the next page), then a formfeed, it would explain what you are 
seeing.  Like I said, this is just a guess, since I don't know where the
formfeed would be coming from.

Peter Fales			AT&T, Room 5B-420
				2000 N. Naperville Rd.
UUCP:	...att!ihlpb!psfales	Naperville, IL 60566
Domain: psfales at	work:	(312) 979-8031

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